Dental Erosion

Dental Erosion


When you look at your teeth, they seem solid. However, the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth which protects the sensitive dentine underneath, can slowly dissolve if it’s surrounded by acid (found in fruit juices and fizzy drinks). This is known as ‘erosion’.
  • Erosion starts when minerals are removed from your teeth and softens the enamel
  • The ingredients for re-hardening your teeth are found in saliva and fluoride in toothpastes so the softening can be repaired 
Erosive Tooth Wear most often occurs on your front teeth and the biting surfaces of your back teeth
  • Part or all of the outer layer of tooth, the enamel, may eventually be lost, exposing the inner sensitive layer, the dentine. This inner layer is more yellow and once exposed changes the colour of the teeth.
  • Erosive tooth wear is common. About a third of all adults have it, though few have it severely.
Speak to the dentist about preventive strategies and treatment.
"A long time ago I visited another dentist for a basic filling, but things went badly wrong and I ended up with an infection which stayed for years. It was Mr Shah's expertise and perseverance which saved my tooth and I'm very grateful for this."
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