The procedure is painless as the tooth in numbed with a local anaesthetic prior to the treatment.
The root is then cleaned thoroughly, sometimes over several appointments if necessary depending on the extent of the symptoms and infection. The canals are then filled with a robust filling material. Root Canal Treatment is a skilled and time consuming procedure. Most procedures will involve two or more visits to the dentist.
At the first appointment, the infected pulp is removed. Any abscesses, which may be present, can also be drained at this time. The root canal is then cleaned and shaped ready for filling. A temporary filling is placed in and the tooth is left to settle.
At the second appointment the tooth is checked and when all the infection has cleared, the tooth is permanently filled.
Teeth that have been saved with root canal therapy will almost always need
coverage over them to stop them splitting as root treated teeth are more fragile.
also improves appearance of the tooth.