Digital X-Rays are as comfortable as normal x-rays, but the benefits are that you receive a significantly reduced dose of radiation. In addition to this, enlarged images of these x-rays are available for viewing almost immediately after they have been taken.
Are x-rays really necessary? The short answer is YES. Concerns about radiation are common and quite understandable. However, a full series of dental x-rays exposes you to less radiation than a flight on a typical commercial airliner. Digital x-rays reduce the dosage of radiation even further!
To reach the maximum annual allowable dose of x-ray radiation, it would take 10,000 dental x-rays!
When one weighs this against all the serious conditions such as decay, periodontal disease, abscesses and cancer that can go undetected without X-rays, it seems like a fair trade off.
The reasons we need dental x-rays: